The Cluster Story


CLUSTER is a platform that powers social good by helping advocates and creators turn their influence into action. CLUSTER unites Individuals, Influencers, and Brands to simplify volunteerism to make positive change in their communities and the world at large. CLUSTER was born out of a need and desire to heal and help in an approachable fashion.

While traveling abroad, Cluster Founder, Celona, and his wife, found themselves eager to find local volunteer activities happening around them, but lacked a resource to locate these opportunities. That lead to the idea of a mobile app that would easily allow them to connect with other like-minded activists and nearby volunteer opportunities. A chance to live like locals, learn from locals and give back to the communities and places contributing to their new memories. 

Upon returning home, Celona combined his digital media experience with a savvy business team and award-winning creators and influencers to work on an app that would simplify volunteerism and turn everyone into their own change maker. Following extensive research, work, and development the Cluster app was completed during the time of a global pandemic, racial injustice at the forefront of the conversation and suffering climate change. Now more than ever individuals are craving change and have developed a newfound desire to give back to their communities. Cluster is providing the platform to turn that change into action through authentic and impactful engagement.

Now is your opportunity to join us on a journey to streamline and mobilize social impact around the world and let us help you scale the causes that matter most to you.